Your salary, health care insurance and retirement benefits are a big part of the total employment package at Worldwide Branding.
We are dedicated employers, seeking to attract and retain quality candidates in search of a new career home where they can flourish. That being said, we are committed to providing competitive and rewarding benefit programs for our employees.
Adequate health care is at a premium right now, with increasing out-of-pocket medical costs and referral approvals; it becomes an even bigger obstacle to address medical complications. Through Oxford Health Plans, our employees gain access to a network of health care professionals, at the ready to provide diagnosis and treatment.
They can review and modify their benefits, and request forms and materials online at https://www.oxhp.com/.
After a 90-day probationary period, all employees are eligible to enroll in the following benefits:
Relax. Here at Worldwide Branding, we've taken guesswork out of the equation. With three United Healthcare/Oxford Plans from which to choose and a non-referral network, we encourage you take advantage of extensive coverage that can help you to overcome your health care challenges. For each full-time employee, Worldwide Branding will pay a monthly contribution towards medical insurance; untaxed payroll contributions, deductibles and coinsurance cover additional coverage costs.
- Oxford Access HMO Plan
- Oxford Liberty Ease Plan
- Oxford Freedom POS Access Plan
As an Oxford Health Plan member, you can opt to utilize the following value-added programs and services, designed to maximize member health:
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine (OAM) Program
- Healthy Rewards Member Discounts
- Gym Facility Reimbursements
- Preventive Resources with a Free Routine Annual Exam
- Healthy Mother, Healthy Baby
- 3-Tier Prescription Program with Low Co-Pays
- Same/Opposite Gender Domestic Partner Coverage Available
- Young Adult Option: Medical Coverage To Employee's Dependents, Up to Age 29
Guardian Dental Insurance provides employees with the option to enroll in either the PPO Plan with Rollover feature or the in-network Managed DentalGuard Plan. Enrollees' dependents are covered through age 19, and up to age 26 if they are full-time students.
Vision Service Plan (VSP) offers comprehensive vision benefits through a large national network of more than 34,000 providers. In a 12-month period, coverage includes an exam, lenses, frames and/or contacts.
Dedicated HELP Hotline for Worldwide Branding employees only
One call does it all! A benefits advisory team is available exclusively for our employees, Monday through Friday, via the dedicated Benefits VIP Hotline. They can address your concerns or questions regarding:
- Medical, Dental and Vision benefits
- ID Card Issues
- Bills, Claims and Resolutions
- Prescriptions
*All calls are fully HIPAA compliant and confidential!
Voluntary Plans
After a 90-day probationary period, employees may enroll in the following plans at any time, in any given month.
- Allstate Universal Life Insurance
- Allstate 20-year Term Life Insurance
- AFLAC Accident Indemnity Plan
- AFLAC Cancer Indemnity Plan
- AFLAC Personal Sickness Indemnity Plan
- Great West 401(k) Retirement Services
- PrePaid Legal Services
Company Sponsored Benefits
Worldwide Branding provides the following benefit programs at NO COST to eligible employees:
- EAP-Employee Assistance program: BalanceWorks®
- Flu Shot Clinic Every Fall
- Garage Parking Pass
- Employee Direct Deposit of Payroll
- Annual Employee Party
Paid Time Off and Vacation
Worldwide Who's Who employees completing their 90-day probationary period begin accruing paid time off (P.T.O.) for each day they work.
- Paid Personal Time - On a calendar year (January through December) employees earn one (1) day of P.T.O. for each month worked.
- Vacation Time - On every employee's date-of-hire anniversary, they earn five (5) paid vacation days.